Friday, March 25, 2011

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Crisis, fundamentalism and universities


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300 karatekas will gather this weekend in Ciudad Real to play the Championship of Spain

Ciudad Real will be this weekend, the capital of Spain's Karate. 300 karateka, will gather in the Puerta de Santa Maria 26 and March 27 to contest the championship all of Spain, by the methods of kata and kumite, on a test that will be valid for the European Championship and whose input is free.

addition to the large number of athletes, also involving 45 referees and 60 people in the organization, which has made this weekend all the capital's hotels are one hundred percent capacity.

Councilman Sports has called it one of the most important calendar Karate and stunning relevance, so we're talking about the Championship of Spain is the best championship karate will happen by Ciudad Real in 2011, in the words of mayor .

For Cesar Manrique, the celebration in Ciudad Real in this great international sports event is the result of good relations between the Council and the English Federation and Castilian-La Mancha and the skill of Karate clubs in the capital .

In the same terms has been expressed by President of the English Federation of Karate, Antonio Moreno, who thanked the availability of City Hall, in a year of crisis, working in the complicated infrastructure and organization of this tournament involving European and world medalists. The championship also accompanied by a Karate course being held now.

This test will also serve to demonstrate once again that Spain is among the top 5 karate world powers, and to see the two young karateka tatami Ciudad currently in the best of the world's elite, the bolañego Matías Gómez World Champion and Fernando Moreno, de Almagro, runner-up in Europe.

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The trophy for 'Karate Villa de Madrid' will be held at the Casa de Campo on Sunday, April 3

Fans can find Men's Open, one female and the confrontation between the national teams of Spain and Serbia

The XXIX International Trophy "Villa de Madrid Karate 'was held at the Madrid Arena on Sunday House April 3, after 11 hours of the morning, where the martial art fans will find an Open Men, Open Women and a clash between teams from the national teams of Spain and Serbia, as reported by Madrid Espacios and Congress.

participate in the Open Men Serbia, Greece, Spain and Madrid, in the female will be Serbia, Italy, Spain and Madrid, and throughout the day will also be raffles of gifts and exhibitions by Club of Madrid.

This trophy was created in 1981 with the idea of \u200b\u200bmeasuring competitors' regional federation "with other national and international. It is currently considered the most prestigious tournament in the world after the world championships.

Madrid Arena with 30,000 square meters fully convertible is one of the most versatile and functional spaces of the city, where you can do all sorts of cultural and sporting events.

Its retractable bleachers can vary 1,000 to 2,542 square feet the center court area, which gives it great versatility and can adapt to the needs of different settings.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Can I Exercise During An Outbreak

Libya Iraq = Oil =
Spain has no oil and export it. 2003: The Socialist Party can not defend, but cynically, his opposition to that war, because in a very broad consensus among the parties, in recent years has been in Spain for urban overdevelopment and infrastructure, which has broken many records, one world as having placed after privatize, several agency companies the former, more pillaging, the world and be the first in the world in kilometers per capita of high-speed lines. Needless to say, also, so we have broken the world record of pollution and climate change per capita, yes you and me included. Libya is third in oil, Iraq, second. Libya = oil = Iraq. This means, in addition to robbery, "the full light of day," and hence the "crisis", which is nothing, as indicated by Sampedro, the fortunate fall of Western civilization, fall and renewal of urgency, if we pick up, we want it? Oil is looking cuantísimo trace our surplus, which is directly proportional to the time devoted to media every morning standing empty patrol cars jam idiotically, dangerously militarized our cities and our brains, certain cities, and why not others? If they succeeded, Malaga, Barna, and Madrid also can get. Jam Jams road = West = Renewal. There are thousands of complementary solutions. 2.0 The whirlwind that sweeps very "in crescendo" internet, and in 2003 was vital to our consciousness without cracks, without censorship, without hidden curriculum, is now overflowing and the last remnants of that world absolutist, fascist, behavioral, manager, part- , the world and fortunately 1.0 Sunset) patriarchy ...

Monday, March 21, 2011

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Sunday, March 20, 2011

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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Monday, March 14, 2011

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1 COURSE Karate Kyokushinkai in Seville, Shihan JOSEPH BABYLON, Saturday 28/05/1911

Shihan José Babiloni
President in Spain IFK the
develop courses in Seville on Saturday, May 28, 2011

  • Mornings: from 11h to 13h
  • Afternoon: 17h-19h
  • Morning: Self Defense techniques, kihon, kata, bunkais
  • Day Afternoon: Introduction, technical applications, strategy to fight KO, kumite kyokushinkai
Open to all levels and styles Karate Do, Contact Sports and Martial Arts in general.
Course fee: € 30
be issued Certificate of Attendance to all course participants.
Venue: Sports Centre The Fight Klub , Polig. Cades Ind., c / Terral No. 12, Dos Hermanas (Sevilla)
Information and reservation: @ or tel: 605 254 701
With the collaboration of the Sevillana de Karate delegation and Maral Sports

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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lyrics born of the landslide Desire

Roberto Jacoby and Anna Longoni on "The desire is born of the landslide" from Reina Sofia Museum on Vimeo .

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Revelation means disclosed Bacteria

The lighter the diagnosis of the current global, global awareness sweeps over the Earth ...

 March 12, 2011 / 

/ Ecologists in Action has reported that the situation in reactors 1 and 2
central Fukushima (Japan) is very serious. The explosion in the reactor 1
has led to the escape of radioactivity while
operators working to cool the core number 2. For
Greenpeace is a serious situation that comes to
aggravate the effects of the earthquake. / *

Fuskushima The NPP comprises six water reactors running
boiling and two more under construction, also
boiling water. Reactors 1 and 2, suffering from serious problems, started functioning
March 26, 1971 and July 18, 1974,
respectively, and have electrical power of 460 MW and 784 MW. The reactor
Fukushima I is therefore similar to that of the nuclear power Garoña
(Burgos). In the central
boiling water and cooling water boils in the reactor core and steam
removed from the containment dome some pipes that run through several
central units to reach the turbines, where electricity is generated
. The stability of the reactor strongly depends
will control the amount of vapor in the nucleus, which depends on pressure and temperature

The situation may be more serious because it is struggling to cool the reactors
but is not guaranteed to be able to maintain the nuclear reaction under control
. The work of the operators is very
difficult because the level of radioactivity was multiplied by a thousand
in the control room, so that workers are
performing operations may be receiving radiation doses above the permitted level
, increasing stress and the possibility of making mistakes

The explosion produced in Fukushima I shows the failed attempts
reactor cooling. In plants the
boiling water reactor steam level is key to safety, because the
excessive amount of steam produced in the reactor would make
decrease the possibility of cooling the radioactive core, which will increase
risk and accident. In this type of plant, pipes
of radioactive steam out of contention and walk several units
the plant, so that the explosion of a pipe makes the radioactivity
immediately escape into the environment. The
to avoid an accident with core meltdown and the resulting
uncontrolled nuclear reaction that passes through cool
get two reactors at Fukushima I and II. If this does not happen in the next
hours, the consequences could be catastrophic.

has been necessary to evacuate 46,000 people living within a radius of 20
km around the plant. Certainly
Emergency Plans English Nuclear power plants provide only action around
the 10 km radius of nuclear weapons. All this adds to problems
generated by the earthquake. Following this accident the most sensible for the Japanese Government is abandoning
new reactors to be closed and phased out of the 55 nuclear reactors operating in Japan

/ More Information: Francisco Castejon 639 October 1942 33 /

- - =================================

Ecologists in Action - Aragon
C / La Torre, 1 under.
Zaragoza 50002 629139609 to 629139680 / aragon

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And you know what? Amigos11 loyal ~ eshel / realizing_bacteria.html

    Realizing Social Intelligence of Bacteria

    Social-IQ score of bacteria was developed and evaluated for all bacteria with sequenced genome. The new score can help to better benefit from high IQ friendly bacteria and outsmart pathogenic ones.

    Bacteria, long perceived as simple creatures, are now recognised to be smart beasts that can conduct intricate social life while using sophisticated chemical language, one we have only recently begun to decode. The bacterial power of cooperation is manifested by their ability to develop large colonies of astonishing complexity, as seen in the picture below.

    Paenibacillus vortex colony. The colony diameter is about 8cm; it contains 100 times more bacteria than the number of people on Earth.

    The power of cooperation
    While the number of bacteria in a colony can be more than 100 times the number of people on Earth, they all know what they all doing; each cell is both an actor and a spectator in the bacterial Game of Life. Acting jointly, these tiny organisms can sense the environment, process information, solve problems and make decisions so as to thrive in harsh environments. In better times, when exposed to an environment containing abundant nutrients, instead of rushing to exhaust the available resources, as human communities often do, bacteria save for the future and make sure to be prepared for hard times that might befall them in the future. But how smart bacteria really are, and what makes them that way?

    Social-IQ of humans
    The IQ score of humans is supposed to reflect their mathematical, analytical and logical capabilities. We've come to understand that in society, emotional and social skills may be equally important, and individuals with extremely high IQ may have poor social skills. Social intelligence is an individual's capacity to perceive and understand the environment - from local surroundings to what is happening in the world - and to respond to that understanding in a personally and socially effective manner. In view of that, a Social-IQ score has been developed in a manner similar to the familiar IQ, where the average S-IQ is defined as 100 points; socially gifted individuals have S-IQ of one standard deviation above normal and those with brilliant social skills have S-IQ of two standard deviations above normal.

    Bacteria's Social-IQ
    In a recent research published in BMC Genomics, an international team from Israel, USA, Netherland, Russia and India (led by Prof. Ben-Jacob from Tel Aviv university and a Fellow of the Center for Theoretical Biological Physics at UCSD, and his research student Ms. Alexandra Sirota-Madi) first presented the sequenced genome of the social and pattern-forming bacteria - the Paenibacillus vortex (discovered two decades ago by Prof. Ben-Jacob and collaborators) that created the colonies shown in the picture.

    While studying the genome, the team developed Social-IQ score for bacteria and performed comparative analysis of 500 bacteria whose genome was sequenced. The score is based on the number of genes which afford bacteria abilities to communicate and process environmental information (two-component and transcription-factor genes), to make decisions and to synthesize offensive (toxic) and defensive (neutralizing) agents as needed during chemical warfare with other microorganisms. Notably, they found that the Paenibacillus vortex (with two other Paenibacillus bacteria strains) has the highest Social-IQ score among all 500 sequenced bacteria, over 3 standard deviations higher than average, indicating a capacity for exceptionally brilliant social skills. Humans with IQ of three standard deviations above average include scientists like Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking and Richard Dawkins.


    Our best friends and worst enemies
    Bacteria are the most prolific organisms on Earth. Many of them are fierce killers, but many more are indispensible to our survival. In our rush to free the human race from deadly bacterial diseases, we created a major health problem worldwide: bacteria are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics. Even in the West, bacteria are one of the top 3 killers in hospitals today. Unaware of bacteria's social intelligence, which allows them to learn from experience to solve new problems and then share their newly acquired skills, we use antibiotics indiscriminately. As a result, bacteria developed multiple drug resistance, and we can't invent new drugs fast enough to beat them.

    Acknowledging bacteria’s social intelligence
    To change this threat to our health, we must realize they have social intelligence. Only if we accept how smart they are can we find ways to destroy the pathogenic bacteria and at the same time find new ways to better exploit the capabilities of friendly bacteria for our benefit. There is now hope that soon we will find new ways to fight drug-resistant pathogenic bacteria. Our study shows that the pathogenic bacteria are not so smart; their Social-IQ score is just at the average level. Acknowledging that bacteria are smart will direct research effort to gather information and to deepen the understanding of bacteria's social intelligence. Then, we will learn how to outsmart the bacteria - for example, by tampering with their communication or by turning toxic material they produce against them, as we have recently shown.

    Harnessing bacterial intelligence
    This information can also be directly applied in “green” agriculture or biological control, where bacteria’s advanced offense strategies and the toxic agents they synthesize are used to fight harmful bacteria and fungi and even higher organisms. The Paenibacillus genus bacteria, to which the three smartest bacteria belong, are known to be a rich source for industrial, agricultural and medical applications.

    Bacteria are often found in soil and live in harmony with a plant’s roots –– a process called symbiosis. The environment down there is very competitive, and bacteria help the plant roots access nutrients; in exchange, the bacteria consume sugar from the roots. Both help each other.

    For that reason, bacteria are now applied in agriculture to increase the productivity of plants and make them stronger against pests and disease. The Social-IQ score could help developers screen which bacteria might work best for each task.

    Bacteria as Biotechnology Factories
    The gut bacterium, Escherichia coli, is currently the basis for synthetic biology – building new functions into microorganisms. Synthetic biology is extensive genetic engineering using modules of genes as the building bricks. Paenibacillus vortex may contribute more “smart” social and communicative gene modules to this effort. This strain has considerable potential as a biotechnology factory. As an extension of synthetic biology, the potential exists for “programmable biotechnology”. Currently, low Social-IQ industrial microorganisms build a single useful compound (a therapeutic agent, an enzyme, a food additive) like an old fashioned production line. Smarter, more flexible industrial microorganisms based on Paenibacilli may be able to make decisions as to what to produce and when – for example in deploying an antibiotic only when needed.

    Looking ahead
    The research impact is three-fold. It measures just how “smart” bacteria really can be –– a new emerging paradigm in the science community today. It demonstrates their high level of social intelligence. And lastly, the work in the recent paper points out some potentially lucrative applications in medicine and agriculture.

    The new paper highlights Prof. Ben-Jacob’s discovery of a new strain of bacteria Paenibacillus vortex in Israel, and it points out that it belongs to the three smartest bacteria – bacteria whose social intelligence capacity in comparison to other bacteria is like Einstein’s scientific capacity to that of ordinary people.

    Thanks to the special capabilities of the new bacteria strain, it can be used by researchers globally to further investigate the social intelligence of bacteria. Only when we know how smart they really are, can we use them as biotechnology factories and apply them optimally in agriculture.


    “Genome sequence of the pattern forming bacterium Paenibacillus vortex Reveals Potential for Thriving in Complex Environments "
    BMC Genomics 2010, 11: 710 (doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-11-710)
    Electronic version: http://
    (Movies Are available online in the Additional files 2-6)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

To Send The Friend Engagement Sms


    We did
  • with the image of our fears
  • to mourn at the gates, in the stag-
  • even the most brief.
  • to beg for food on the table
  • and to look at us with those eyes
  • huge painful
  • and to stay with us
  • when our children to flee,
  • and sleeping in our beds
  • in the darkest nights,
  • and shakes when it thunders
  • like us in our
  • childish fears.
  • We have made sad eyes,
  • loving, loyal,
  • fearful of life without us.
  • We have cultivated their dependence
  • and grief.
  • We keep them as reminders of our fear.
  • We love
  • as the hosts without
  • recognition of our own terror
  • of the grave, and abandonment.
  • hold my leg
  • I'm dying.
  • sleeps on my coffin,
  • wait for me,
  • with sad eyes
  • in the way
  • which curve beyond the cemetery wall.
  • I hear barking,
  • I hear your mournful howl-
  • oh, all the dogs I have loved
  • carry my coffin,
  • howl at the sky without moon
  • and go to bed with me sleeping
  • when I'm dead.

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  • Assuming our domain
  • about the creatures of the earth-
  • dog, cat, sparrow
  • tiny mouse
  • winery (who lives in our kitchen
  • as a blur of light
  • running along the edges of our vision) -
  • how we understand humility?
  • mouse poop
  • our silverware drawer
  • bother us.
  • The infinite
  • insects crawling from the walls one by one,
  • only to be crushed
  • under our soles.
  • Our souls are heavy
  • with the deaths of animals.
  • Ocelot, beaver, fox
  • and even ugly slant-eyed mink
  • women give their skins
  • are not beautiful to God themselves.
  • The lowly cockroach,
  • patacón or seeking admission to our bed
  • on the back of a gentle dog
  • is loved by a Creator.
  • Assuming our domain
  • made us crazy,
  • has made the earth fragrant
  • a
  • where mice that fill the edges of
  • our eyes
  • and run off our desks and dreams,
  • are the fears, the looming fears of our own species.

erika jong

..... .....

Friday, March 11, 2011

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VideoForum on Monday 14 in Malaga Transition

Tools for Front the crisis of a holistic approach and proactive ... (from Facebook)

Monday March 14, after 19 h.

Faculty: Classroom M1

Teatinos Campus University of Málaga
Video + Discussion Forum

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

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Great performance sports club "Karate-Do Cedisur Chiclana" in the "Championship English Centre" held in Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz)

The SPORTS CLUB "KARATE-DO CEDISUR CHICLANA" participated in the "Championship Team and kumite English Centre" education organized by the Centre under the auspices of the Andalusian Federation of Karate and the collaboration of the Delegation Gaditana Karate, held in nearby Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz), this past Sunday, on 06 March this month, achieving new successes and beginning the year with a good taste.

The expedition consisted of Sensei Manuel Benavides and karateka follows:
Cadet Women's Team: Elizabeth Dominguez, Miriam Lucas and Anabel Lucas.
Team "A" Junior Male: Juan Manuel Vela, Alexander Lopez and Alejandro del Pozo.
Team "B" Junior Male: Juan Jose Sevillano, Juan Carlos Macias and Macias Cristian.

In a competition attended by over two hundred competitors, framed in different categories and procedures, the most important results of Karate-do Cedisur CD Chiclana, were:
  • Team "B" Junior Men - 2nd place Team Kata
  • Team "A" Junior Men - 3rd place Team Kata
  • Equipment Cadet Women - 4 th ranked Kata Teams
  • Miriam Lucas - 1 st ranked kumite-55Kgr
  • Anabel Lucas - 2 nd ranked kumite-55Kgr
  • Elizabeth Dominguez - 3rd ranked kumite-55Kgr
  • Juan José Sevilla - 2 nd ranked kumite-60Kgr
  • Cristian Macias - 3 º kumite-60Kgr classified
In this way, the club welcomes Chiclana competitive year starting this extremely successful and we look forward to demonstrating the quality that they cherish these young karateka in future appointments.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

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Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Living Utopia, Friday 4 March. CNT video forums

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Date: Sunday, 13 and March 27, 2011.
Time: 09:30 h - 11:30 h.

Prices: Federated
  • 15 € per day (25 € if you make the two days).
  • Federated No 18 € per day (32 € if you make the two days).

Two days of training given by the ISKA World Champion, Jose De La Llera and GONCET DIEGO. 13 and March 27, 2011.
(Discounts will only be made if the days are paid before March 13. Gift-shirts for first 50 registered).
More information: 650 444 886

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Friday, February 25, 2011

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

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Date: February 26, 2011.
Time: 19:00 pm
Place: Municipal Sports Complex Montequinto - Dos Hermanas (Sevilla).

The evening will consist of 10 amateur bouts and 6 professional fights between athletes of the Andalusian capital. Among them: club CARLITOS Zarco, JOSÉ DE THE LLERA World Champion Club ALIX, JESUS \u200b\u200b champion disciple MARIO HAIR OSTOS , and as a stellar combat icing on this great event, Seville excellence that walked by the color of our capital across Spain imposing it in the 63 matches played leading, Jesus Alcocer the "TORO" .

More info on

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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2011. Saturday, 26 José Manuel

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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February'11 Carbonell Sub'21 Europe proclaims Karate Champion in Kata form

Valencia The athlete gets the gold medal in the category of karate Sub'21 in the form of kata.
José Manuel Carbonell is an athlete from Valencia, who since last Saturday February 12 is the European champion Sub'21 in the form of Karate Kata. Today, Javier Mesa Reig Globedia photographer interview editor representative Valencia has got a gold medal for Spain in the European Karate Championship which was held in Serbia (Novi-Sad) from 11 to 13 February 2011.
José Manuel Carbonell began practicing Karate at the age of 4 years and now has 19. From a very young and he and his father José Carbonell has lived and enjoyed in the form of Karate Kata characterized by the mobility of the body, the expressiveness and performing an imaginary battle. He began competing at age 4 and from this age has not stopped competing. His motto is if you're going to be first finished third. At 5 years and aimed to be world champion and now is a challenge to aim for as soon as possible but is well aware of the competitiveness and says he is among the 8 best athletes in the world. And is currently European champions Sub'21 Karate Kata in the form, but his palm is spectacular, as it has been 4 times champion of Spain in the form of Kata (2004 and 2008 to 2010), 2-time champion in individual European Kata mode (2008 and 2011) and 3 regional champion in the form Kumite (combat). It must be said that from 2004 to 2011 has always been on the podium at the English individual and team Kata in the form.
With this palm José Manuel Carbonell is a gold Valencian who dedicate their lives to the sport of Karate and combines it with his studies of the Magisterium. It is also an elite athlete who has been Fellow which is a help to continue with their studies. Among the objectives of José Manuel Carbonell this fight to be World Champion in kata form and says he can be among the best athletes in the world 8.
His personal trainer is Jose Carbonell, who is coach mode karate kata in Valencia, the father of sports and athletes who decide to represent Valencia Valencia championships in Spain. The qualities that stand out from José Manuel says he has a running speed and power of movement, one of the features needed to compete. Another feature is that it is very competitive and winning his fighting spirit led him to be among the greatest athletes. Finally says José Manuel has a great capacity for concentration and self-control. José
Manuel Carbonell has been prepared for the European Championship Sub'21 in the form of Kata during the last 2 weeks in Madrid with English coach Javier Hernandez, but the periods presented in the championships has honed and lifelong learning to be among the great English sportsmen.
On Saturday February 12, 2011 is a date that marked his life back and his palms to get Sub'21 be champion of Europe in the form of Karate Kata. Today José Manuel tells us in detail the 5 years that have led to glory in Europe and the gold medal for Spain. The first of the exercises did not have to do, and that be seeded as an athlete from a country entitles you to begin by the second year which said that cost him a bit to do it. This exercise is characterized as one long, developed and very fast motion which is to control the rapid direction changes. You must use your legs and flexibility, concentration, balance and stability are essential features for it.
The third exercise is called Kanku sho has 2 movements of jumps in the air, requiring great skill and defined position. You also have to make 2 turns of 360 º that supposed to work intensely for a very complex technique. To perform this kaka should be with very powerful physical conditions. This exercise is characterized by the impact of the movement and spectacle.
In the semifinals, José Manuel and saw that their ability to get the title were closer but still had 2 years to achieve glory. Unsu was the next test he had to do and where 2 stands out as the most complicated Kata do as you have to combine short positions. In addition there are some contrasts of fast and slow movements you need to know and do the jump of 360 ° is one of the most complicated.
performed in the final exercise is a movement Gankaku very expressive in which the athlete has to show the same position that the crane when hunting prey. 4 times should make a move and then turn around 180 degrees with one leg and maintain balance and then make a final kick.
The execution of all exercises was exceptional and although in the first year won by 3-2 to his rival, still has much to achieve, but I was clear that if properly executed exercises would win the competition and it was. Also in the semifinals faced Vodjovic, Third World Best Athlete in the form of karate kata Sub'21. The result of this confrontation was 5-0 in favor José Manuel and get the same score in the final which would be proclaimed for the second time European Champion in Karate Sub'21 Kata mode. José Manuel Carbonell
felt very satisfied at the end of the championship and release all the tensions of their preparation to see that their effort has been to attain the highest European podium and commented that her emotions were too intense to listen to receive the medal Gold and hear the anthem of Spain with the top prize.
This is the new European Champion Karate Sub'21 in the form of Kata, a young Valencia who aspires to be world champion one of the next goals and hopes that Spain will select for the World Karate Championship to be held in Malaysia, where it will be one of the athletes who have more chances of getting a medal in these championships.
source: Globedia