Friday, June 18, 2010

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Sandín Maximum: Virus and Madness (scientific)



A new "scientific breakthrough" was announced by the media communication, a new use for antivirals: The treatment "for schizophrenia." According to the journal Schizophrenia Research (1): " common exposure to the virus that causes cold sores may be partly responsible for declining regions brain and loss of concentration, memory, coordination of movement and dexterity widely observed in patients with schizophrenia . The timely appearance of a virus in an organ, apparently damaged, breaks new ground for the pharmaceutical industry: These findings could lead to new forms of treatment or prevention of cognitive decline, " that usually accompanies the disease, including antiviral drug therapy," say the authors.

Following the disastrous and indiscriminate fighting bacteria , which has led to a relentless expansion of bacterial resistance to antibiotics has been unleashed to combat the virus. It seems that the blockbuster pharmaceutical laboratories for the XXI century will be the antiviral. And they have a huge scope. As we all know, any confusing disease diagnosis has been produced by "a virus." Therefore, "we must fight them." For example, the famous antiretroviral Tamiflu is a neuraminidase inhibitor of the enzyme, one of the two "surface antigens (hemagglutinin is the other) that carries the virus in their capsid. In children treated with Tamiflu neurological problems have occurred, sometimes very serious (in Japan there have been suicides related to this issue) (2). The neuraminidase, an enzyme involved in the development and maintenance of the myelin sheath of neurons in mammals (3) so that the inhibitory effect is immediate in children (adults, will have to wait ...).

in the human genome have been identified between 90.0000 and 300.0000 sequences derived from viruses, retroviruses primarily (4), but there are DNA viruses. Specifically, the genome of Herpesvirus 6A is integrated into the telomeres of human chromosomes (5).

The variability of the figures is due to be taken depends on the virus considered complete or partial sequences derived from virus. These sequences are "components permanent human transcriptome "(6), ie, are constituent parts of our genome and are expressed in all tissues (6). Even sequences that encode viral capsid have been active in fundamental biological processes (3, 7, 8). Especially abundant and important is the activity of the sequences of retroviral origin in the process of embryonic development (9), ie the formation of our tissues and organs. Consistent inference of these phenomena is the following: If the solid tumors are an outbreak of an embryonic process (10, 11) produced by some sort of "environmental aggression," the association of virus with would not cause cancer, but of consequence. The tumors viral particles emit (12). And the association of virus with damaged or diseased tissues have the same cause. Have been "diagnosed" truly absurd associations with disease virus is an obvious environmental origin, degenerative or autoimmune as chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis. Alzheimer's, prostate tumor ... even described, without understanding the activation of an endogenous virus following treatment with a drug, natalizumab against multiple sclerosis, which "awakened a sleeping virus in the kidneys" as "malignant" triggered a Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy .

The war against the virus, triggered mainly by finance companies increasingly as biological research "applied" (ie commercial) has become totally meaningless at times without the knowledge derived from "basic" research, ie the true scientific research. Vaccine development (another great business for them) growing virus in chicken embryos (12) or, more "modern", using cell lines for cultivation (13), plants are true hybrids virus (not to mention the shots "transgenic") whose potential hazards can be an extremely serious (14, 15, 16). And the crazy trend of using "viral" for all types of conditions that are falsely diagnosed a viral origin is a new attack on key components of the body, life. Every day more abundant scientific data that show us that we live literally immersed in an inconceivable amount of bacteria and viruses (17, 18) that play key roles in all ecosystems (19, 20) and who have served key roles in the processes the evolution of life (21, 22), and that its appearance "pathogen" is the result of a destabilization of its natural functions is a suicidal war against nature. A war against ourselves.

The real "mental illness" is the thinking that dominates the design of nature. A concept that has embedded in the brains of scientists and which sees nature as a battlefield in which all components are "competitors." But do not worry, the big multinational pharmaceutical companies are going to defend "our greatest competitors." After the defeat in the fight against bacteria has begun combating the virus. The mother of all battles. Maybe the final battle?

REFERENCES 1 .- David J. Schretlen, Tracy D. Vannorsdall, Jessica M. Winicki, Yaser Mushtaq, Takatoshi Hikida, Akira Sawa, Robert H. Yolken, Faith B. Dickerson and Nicola G. Cascella. (2010) and cognitive Neuroanatomic Abnormalities related to herpes simplex virus type 1 in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research Volume 118, Issues 1-3, May 2010, Pages 224-231.

2 .- Agencia EFE (30/07/2009). High rate of side effects in children receiving Tamiflu against influenza A. 3 .-

Megumi Saito, Carmen Sato-Bigbee and Robert K. Yu. (2008). Neuraminidase Activities in Oligodendroglial Cells of the Rat Brain. Journal of Neurochemistry
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4.- Lower, R., J. Lower, and R. Kurth. (1996). The viruses in all of us: characteristics and biological significance of human endogenous retrovirus sequences. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 93:5177-5184.

5.- Arbucklea, J. H. Et al., (2010). The latent human herpesvirus-6A genome specifically integrates in telomeres of human chromosomes invivo and in vitro. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A.

6.- Seifarth, W. et al., (2005). Comprehensive Analysis of Human Endogenous Retrovirus Transcriptional Activity in Human Tissues with a Retrovirus-Specific Microarray. J Virol. 2005; 79(1): 341–352.

7.- Bouton, O., et al. (2004). The endogenous retroviral locus ERVWE1 is a bona fide gene involved in hominoid placental physiology. PNAS 18(6): 629–640.

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14.- Khan A. S. et al., (2009). Proposed algorithm to investigate latent and occult viruses in vaccine cell substrates by chemical induction. Biologicals. 2009 Mar 17. [Epub ahead of print].

15.- ISIS Report 07/10/09 Flu Vaccines and the Risk of Cancer

16.- Hussain, A. I. (2003). Identification and Characterization of Avian Retroviruses in Chicken Embryo-Derived Yellow Fever Vaccines: Investigation of Transmission to Vaccine Recipients. J Virol. 2003, 77(2): 1105–1111.

17.- Grice, E. A. et al., (2009). Topographical and Temporal Diversity of the Human Skin Microbiome. Science 29, Vol. 324. no. 5931, pp. 1190 - 1192

18.- Williamson, K.E., et al., (2003). Sampling Natural Viral Communities from Soil for Culture-Independent Analyses. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Vol. 69, No. 11, p. 6628-6633

19.- Gewin, V. 2006. Genomics: Discovery in the dirt. Nature .Published online: 25 January 2006; that is about the absolute dependence of humans toward nonhuman animals used as pets, food, clothing, entertainment and scientific research as well as about our total lack of respect for these our "providers." The film in its original version is narrated by Oscar-nominated actor Joaquin Phoenix (Gladiator) and the soundtrack is the acclaimed musician Moby.


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